Visual Arts

Personal works that express my ideas and views of the world. Painting, photography, post-modern assemblage.

Abstract painting

Color and subconscious expression. This work honors the value in the experience of creation. The narrative is process. When my daughter was six years old she boldly proclaimed, “There are no mistakes in art! I know because my Dad’s paintings are very messy.” The materials that I use for medium and support include recycled latex house paint, discarded metal plates, rubber mats, shingles, and styrofoam.

Experimental painting

This was a series of paintings where there was no traditional support. I poured the paint onto a flat surface and then peeled off the paint when it dried. The resulting piece can be viewed from both the front and back side, the latter picking up the texture of the surface it was on. Some of these pieces consisted of mixing paint into water and then freezing the “painting”. Other paintings were made out of light.

Interactive photo cubes

One of the products of my research on private and public spaces was the fabrication of a series of six folding wooden cubes. My photographs of urban and natural scenes illustrated contrasting perspectives. Playing with the cubes allows you hide images on the interior, combine images together, and make your own connections between the subjects.

Photo “flats”

In this series, I present graphical and symbolic images that seem to flatten out the perspective and transform the landscape into a painting. The making of these images involves creating relationships between visual elements in order to reinterpret their meaning. These are my photos, shot and edited on an iPhone.


Spaces have been rendered in a variety of media and perspective, building a depth of understanding regarding how humans move about and interact with their environment.