Experimental painting

Process – ice, pours, paint, texture and form

This was a series of paintings where there was no traditional support (no canvas or board). I accomplished this through what I call “pours”. This consists of pouring the paint onto a flat surface and then peeling off the paint when it has dried. The resulting piece can be viewed from both the front and back side, the latter picking up the texture of the surface it was on. Some of these pieces consisted of mixing paint into water and then freezing the “painting”. Some of these results were remarkable as the ice crystals combined with the pigment in unexpected ways. As with the pours, these pieces could be lifted out of their mold and viewed from all sides. The destruction of the ice pieces, either by breaking them or by melting them resulted in additional works.

Ethereal art – light art. I also experiemented with reflected light to create temporary pieces of art. These are enjoyable to do and can really only be shared through photo or video.