
Projects that demonstrate a certain level of rigor and technical acumen.

NOVA site

I am the lead developer on the NOVA science website. I am responsible for all new developments on this site with monthly traffic over 1M visitors. I enjoy coming up with technical solutions to meet the needs of educating and informing the public on the latest science discoveries. I work with a team of science writers and producers to create engaging digital experiences around the award winning NOVA brand.

NOVA video page

Beyond Good Intentions

I designed and built this video site. It’s an example of my freelance work that allows me to exercise my talents in production, design, and development. The challenge in this project was to illustrate the author’s journey while highlighting her point of view on aid work across the globe. Developed in 2012, this video-intensive site was developed in Flash AS3 with a full html fallback site. Live link: BGI films


I am the lead developer for the NOVA Labs. Each Lab presents video, an educational game, and an open-ended experience where students can do research on the same data that scientists are using. Subjects covered are: Sun, Clouds, Energy, RNA, and Cybersecurity.

NOVA Labs RNA activity launch screen

Physics of Stone Arches

The physics simulation was built to teach principles of construction. I coded the bricks and placed them in the simulation to model existing arches. I really liked that the physical properties alone–friction, mass, and gravity–held together the structure.

Physics of Stone Arches

Explore the Pyramids

I used 360 degree panoramas and walk-arounds with full-screen images to immerse the user in the content. Using existing slides of NOVA’s trip, I created an innovative way to present the multimedia in this interactive. The user can follow menus, maps, or direct their journey through first-person navigation. My role was the ActionScript coding and architecting of the Flash project.
