Painting in Geneva

Diagram showing the levels of subconscious thought that can be activated through creative efforts.

Diagram showing the levels of subconscious thought that can be activated through creative efforts.

A 5-year stay in Geneva, Switzerland transformed my life and allowed me to experience another culture. I engaged in creativity classes with an amazing artist at the “Here and Now” studio. We did visual exercises that were designed to move you off of your dominant trait, and encourage circulation to the opposite pole. This movement and vibration is where you are exposed to new ideas.

My artistic education has taught me how the movement between conscious and subconscious thought can enrich the creative process. Great art resonates with many people because it connects with their similar experiences.


d’apres Raphael (Doña Isabel de Requesens y Enríquez de Cardona-Anglesola) (12×26″, acrylic on canvas)

"Jet d'Eau" Lake Geneva

“Jet d’Eau” Lake Geneva (18×24″, acrylic on board)