NASA (research)

Helicopter Flight Testing

Helicopter Flight Testing Presentation Excerpts

I pursued a career at NASA because I wanted to do research and make discoveries. I enjoyed conducting experiments and analyzing large amounts of data.

Designing simulations allowed me to think in multiple dimensions – both in the experiment setup and in the helicopter dynamics that I was testing. I created the visual cues that the pilot referenced out the window and on head-down displays. Writing papers on the results helped me improve my written skills and presenting at conferences helped me improve my speaking abilities.

I created the slides and graphics that are illustrated in this project.


Blanken, Hart, & Hoh. “Helicopter Control Response Types for Hover and Low-Speed Near-Earth Tasks in Degraded Visual Conditions” Presented at the 47th Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society, Phoenix, AZ, May 1991

Hart, D. “ADS-33C Flight Test Maneuvers Validation in a Degraded Visual Environment” Presented at the 50th Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society, Washington, DC, May 1994

Keller, Hart, Schubert & Feingold. “Handling Qualities Specification Development for Cargo Helicopters” Presented at the 51st Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society, Forth Worth, TX, May 1995

Hart & Reynolds. “Validation of ADS-33C Flight Test Maneuvers in a Degraded Visual Environment”
NASA Technical Memorandum 110377, February 1996

Hart & Mitchell. “A Simulation Investigation of Motion Cueing and Visual Time Delay Effects on Two Helicopter Tasks”, – NASA Technical Memorandum 110385, April 1996

Research site: US Army Aeroflightdynamics Directorate