3 dimensional storytelling

Time, place, and person. How can we tell a story from multiple perspectives that evolves while viewing it?


Solution 1. A multi-actor, simultaneous video experience

This project was an interactive narration using a Wacom tablet and pen as the interface. The timeline is laid out graphically on the Wacom tablet. The inputs are fed into the MAX/MSP/Jitter program and the audio and visual are displayed on a monitor. The story is told simultaneously from the point of view of four different individuals who inhabit two different apartments. The viewer can scrub the story (displayed in video) in time or flip between the people. When the person is changed the midi musical score continues but the instruments are changed to reflect the change in narrator.



At certain key points in the story, the action is suspended and the viewer has to solve an audio puzzle to continue. The entire Wacom tablet becomes active and the story will only continue when the puzzle is completed.

Solution 2. Personality Switch

A project that allowed me to better understand how people relate differently to the same environment. In this immersive game, the player can switch “personalities” and thus experience the space from the perspective of another person. I used a place near where I lived (the Canal St. Martin in Paris) to better understand how people relate differently to the same environment.

Sound cues represented the character of people who could be found in specific areas of the space. You are allowed to switch characters only with those people who have a connection to you. It is up to the user to make those connections in order to advance in the game. Once you made a connection, then that person allows you into their personal space.


